DNC Day 4

7am: Wake up call.

8am: State delegation breakfast.

930am: Pick up credentials.

10am: Black Caucus (we're all African.)

Donna Brazile at the Black Caucus.
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DNC Day 2

So I think maybe I skipped some back story, so here's the quick version:
I've been volunteering for Barack Obama on a grassroots level since January 2007. Last October, the campaign reached out to a handful of us asking that, if we were interested, we run for delegate seats in the Feb '08 presidential primaries. I ran, won one of two seats for my congressional district, and now here I am (ok, there was A LOT of stuff from there to here, but I have 5 seconds to upload this AND eat lunch.)

I'm going to include some very loose and *approximate* time stamps in this update so you can get the feel of a day in the life of a delegate at the Democratic National Convention. It's been absolutely incredible so far, and I only regret that my limited talent with words and photos does not do this once in a lifetime and history making experience even the slightest bit of justice.

630am: Wake-up Call. There's three of us sharing one bathroom. (hotels are expensive and out of pocket)

800am: NYS Dems Delegation Breakfast.

Every morning, different guests speakers are featured. (I believe the speeches are possibly being broadcast on NPR.)
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woodstock farm animal sanctuary, woodstock ny

the williamsburg courier published a photo from one of the voter registration drives i organized at the pool this summer.
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