Canvassing in PA, Walking for Farm Animals

I spent last Saturday knocking on doors in Philly for the Obama campaign. About 180 of us drove down in private or rented cars, arriving there early in the morning. After a full day of canvasing, we collectively knocked on 12,824 doors, signed up 4,878 new volunteers, and registered 495 new voters. All in all, the campaign estimates we gained 900 new votes for Obama. These trips happen every Saturday and Sunday, with smaller groups heading down during the week. If you're interested in going to PA (or any other swing state, hello VIRGINIA!), which I'd highly recommend, even if you have zero experience in politics, canvassing, or volunteering, let me know and I'll get you in touch with the right people. It's really making a difference.

Anyway, I wish I'd had the balls to take photos of people (or, better yet, the talent of a REAL photographer) because we talked to some really interesting characters.

Farm Sanctuary held a benefit fundraiser Walk for Farm Animals yesterday in Central Park. It was a tad humid out, and even rained pretty hard at a few points, but even with the crappy weather, the event turned out really amazing. I took a few photos before things got really busy...

Setting up the info table.
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The sign on his back said "Baby piglets need their mommies too!"
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About 400 people showed up, despite the rainy weather.
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Nummy vegan food from The Groovy Baker. A lot of volunteers donated vegan treats as well. There was soooo much food, and a lot of it was donated to charity when we had too much leftover afterwards.
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Camping in a Hurrican at North-South Lake in the Catskills

After several weeks' worth of listserv emails, we were able to get three carloads organized for a trip upstate for camping, hiking and tubing fun. Unfortunately, none of this planning mattered to Mother Nature, and Hurricane Hannah decided to tag along for the weekend. Luckily for us, she turned out to be the life of the party.

other people's photos of the trip:

Jason and I arrived at North-South Lake State Park in the Catskills late Friday evening. Part of our group was already there, and we helped finish setting up the tents before enjoying a few beers and some dinner around the campfire.

It started raining late that night after we were already in bed, but for the most part, cleared up in time for breakfast. After breakfast, we went hiking at Kaaterskill falls.

Laura, Samuel, Matt.
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five years ago, today.

I moved here exactly five years ago today.

Photos from the first few months...

View of UES from Roosevelt Island, September 19th 2003.
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Brendon, Nick, Ryler, Me, Justin, (is that Karen?) and Ryan outside Red Bamboo, September 25th 2003.
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Critical Mass start in Union Square, September 26 2003.
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Justin, Salty and Jade, after critical mass, outside Sunshine, waiting for the midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show.
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Nick and Ryan, the dudes that saved my life (and me without makeup.)
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At Milon, a.k.a. my second home. I pretty much ate breakfast, lunch and dinner here every day for the first six months.
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Megan, Amber, Jason and Emmy greet me in Tampa in October, 2003.
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BFF Lauren came to visit with Sean, my Park Slope host.
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At the Thanksgiving Parade.
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First Snow, December 5th, 2003.
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Megs, Eric, Robb and Emmy came to visit. Hanging at Enid's, my other second home.
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This was the old view out the bathroom window at Enid's. This empty lot is now a gigantic conspicuous consumption loft apartment building.
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My painfully unfurnished and messy room in Greenpoint.
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