Wanting to complete the latter part of this awesomeness, we took a trip out to our farm for a tour and bbq/picnic.
First stop: feeding the goats and sheep. Making a mental note to come back next month for GARLIC FEST!
There's a farm stand in front of the property where any passerby can pull up and buy some fresh produce, eggs or misc local goods.
picking blackberries
The good stuff.
Renegade chicken.
The chicken field, my favorite part of the trip. The guy kneeling here is the food dude from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" and the lady in blue to the right is Eve, of Garden of Eve (a.k.a. our farmer!)
What's up, chicken butt?
Guard dogs. They LOVE chickens. Literally.
"It's easiest to pick them up when their head is stuck in a melon."