st. andrew's cathedral, st. andrews, scotland

As I posted all last week, Jay and I were able to take a "quick" long weekend trip to Scotland a few weeks ago. We spent the first day wandering around our home base of Edinburgh, rented a car the second day to travel to some ruins south of the city, spent the third day taking a train north to St.Andrews, and then spent our last day lazing around Edinburgh again and indulging in a swanky traditional Scottish meal.

These photos were from our day trip to St. Andrews, at St. Andrews Cathedral.

hadrian's wall, near hexham, england

As I posted all last week, Jay and I were able to take a "quick" long weekend trip to Scotland a few weeks ago. We spent the first day wandering around our home base of Edinburgh, rented a car the second day to travel to some ruins south of the city, spent the third day taking a train north to St.Andrews, and then spent our last day lazing around Edinburgh again and indulging in a swanky traditional Scottish meal.

These photos were from our last stop on our day-long road trip, at a portion of Hadrian's Wall near Hexham, England.

Hadrian's wall was erected sometime around AD122 by emperor Hadrian as a fortification, supposedly to protect Roman Britain from attack from the north.

The wall is almost 118 miles long, and varies in width from 10 to 20 ft wide, and in height from 11 to 20 ft tall. The portion we visited sits atop a large crag. That's Jay at the top for size reference.

And the view from the top!

jedburgh abbey, jedburgh scotland

As I've been blogging in my recent posts, Jay and I were able to take a "quick" long weekend trip to Scotland a few weeks ago. We spent the first day wandering around our home base of Edinburgh, rented a car the second day to travel to some ruins south of the city, spent the third day taking a train north to St.Andrews, and then spent our last day lazing around Edinburgh again and indulging in a swanky traditional Scottish meal.

These photos were from one of our last stops on our one-day roadtrip, the abbey in Jedburgh, Scotland.

scott's view, scottish borders, scotland

While driving between abbeys, we saw signs for a scenic view called "Scott's view" (apparently named because it was one of Sir Walter Scott's favorite views) and decided to make another unplanned stop.

leaderfoot viaduct over the river tweed in southern scotland

we saw this beautiful viaduct from the road while driving between abbeys and decided to make an unplanned stop. to give you an idea of the scale, the taller dot just in front of two of the columns in the middle of the river is a fisherman. (you can click the image for a larger version)

seen somewhere in southern scotland

there were tons of wild pheasants scurrying around wherever we drove. this one was sitting calmly in the middle of a field, but took off running when i got my camera out to snap his photo

dryburgh abbey, dryburgh scotland

As I mentioned in my previous couple of posts, Jay and I were able to take a "quick" long weekend trip to Scotland a few weeks ago. We spent the first day wandering around our home base of Edinburgh, rented a car the second day to travel to some ruins south of the city, spent the third day taking a train north to St.Andrews, and then spent our last day lazing around Edinburgh again and indulging in a swanky traditional Scottish meal.

These photos and video are from Dryburgh Abbey in Dryburgh, Scotland.

st. mary's abbey, melrose scotland

As I mentioned in my previous posts, Jay and I were able to take a "quick" long weekend trip to Scotland a few weeks ago. We spent the first day wandering around our home base of Edinburgh, rented a car the second day to travel to some ruins south of the city, spent the third day taking a train north to St.Andrews, and then spent our last day lazing around Edinburgh again and indulging in a swanky traditional Scottish meal.

These photos are from the second stop on our one-day road trip at St. Mary's Abbey in Melrose, Scotland.

crichton castle, crichton scotland

As I mentioned in my last post, Jay and I were able to take a "quick" long weekend trip to Scotland a few weeks ago. We spent the first day wandering around our home base of Edinburgh, rented a car the second day to travel to some ruins south of the city, spent the third day taking a train north to St.Andrews, and then spent our last day lazing around Edinburgh again and indulging in a swanky traditional Scottish meal.

These photos are from one of our stops on our one-day road trip, at Crichton Castle in Crichton, Scotland.

st. andrews castle, st. andrews scotland

Jay and I were able to take a "quick" long weekend trip to Scotland a few weeks ago. We spent the first day wandering around our home base of Edinburgh, rented a car the second day to travel to some ruins south of the city, spent the third day taking a train north to St.Andrews, and then spent our last day lazing around Edinburgh again and indulging in a swanky traditional Scottish meal.

These photos are from the train trip north to St.Andrews, specifically St.Andrews castle.